A new year is a time of transition on many levels. Winter is a time of reflection for me personally and professionally. Where life tends to slow down a bit and the snow quiets the world, at least in the country. It is also the month of my birth, which is another level of reflection. Who am I today, where has my journey taken me and where am I headed. February is the “heart” month. Not only heart health, but also living in loving kindness.

I was gifted a book The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse by Charlie Mackesy. The first three pages say, “I’m so small,” said the mole. “Yes,” said the boy “but you make a huge difference.” “What do you want to be when you grow up?” asked the mole. “Kind,” said the boy. “What do you think success is?” asked the boy. “To love,” said the mole. This by far has become one of my favorite books. The message is so simple and so true. I pick it up to read when I need to be reminded to come back to what is really important in life. I think many of us have reflected upon that in these past two years of challenging times. I have used it in facilitating groups and have read it to my grandchildren, and each time my heart is deeply touched.

When I think of the women and their family members who arrive at our doors hoping to find a place of refuge from the debilitating disease of substance abuse and their trauma, they need kindness and love. To be accepted for who they are today and supported into who they will become. They have experienced the harshness of the world of substance abuse and the judgement that comes with it, some for decades. Their family members need to believe there is hope that this treatment will be different. And it is. We are able to provide a different treatment experience due to the quality of our staff, our setting in the country, and all the varied components of our programming that are unique and trauma responsive.

So to those of you who donate financially, with your time, in kind gifts, or just reading our newsletter and spreading the word about our program – you make a significant difference through your kindness and love. We could not do this without you. I wish each of you and your families good health, inner peace, and laughter.

May you be at peace.

May you be happy.

May you be safe.

May you be free from pain and suffering.

May you awaken to the light of your true being.

In deepest gratitude,

Sandy Hardie